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;certutil -config "MYCA.info.sys\IssuingCAInstance" -ping ;certreq -new certreq.inf certreq.req ;certreq -submit -config "MYCA.info.sys\IssuingCAInstance" certreq.req ;certreq -accept c:\MyGeneratedCert.cer ;netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=THUMBPRINT appid={} certstorename=my ;netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=d9ffaeec6552b3d21d3f7741c48d63d9fb61d10a appid={01122334-4556-6778-8990-aabbccddeeff} certstorename=my [NewRequest] ; The subject name for the certificate (Common Name) Subject = "CN=MYCN.info.sys" KeySpec = 1 KeyLength = 2048 Exportable = TRUE MachineKeySet = TRUE ; Use the appropriate Cryptographic Service Provider for your environment ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" RequestType = PKCS10 [Extensions] ; The Enhanced Key Usage extension for Server Authentication = "{text}" ; The Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension = "{text}" ; List multiple DNS entries (ampersand-& delimited) _continue_ = "DNS=DNSName&" _continue_ = "DNS=DNSNAME.contoso.sys&" _continue_ = "DNS=DNSNAME2&" _continue_ = "DNS=DNSNAME2.contoso.sys" [RequestAttributes] ; Specify the certificate template name here CertificateTemplate = "WebServer_Contoso" |