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#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php //Creates a check for HTTP and HTTPS services. Also creates a SSL cert check. //Every host is scanned for the ports listed below, and if an web service is found, a service check is created for it. $database_folder = "/etc/nagios/scripts/auto_generate_database/"; //Folder of the SQLLite databases to use for host lookup. $outputfile = "autoconfig_Custom-services.cfg"; #$outputfile = "/etc/nagios/conf.d/auto_generated/autoconfig_http-services.cfg"; $check_http = "/etc/nagios/plugins/check_http"; //Location of Nagios check_http command. This command does all the work and the config is bases on what this command returns. $servicehttps_ports_array = array("443","8443","9443","18200","18201","18202","18203","18204","18205","18206","18207","18208","18209","18210");// array of ports for SSL/TLS checks. Also creates a cert check for each ones of these. $servicehttp_ports_array = array("80","8080","8888");// array of ports for normal HTTP checks $httpcodes = "200,301,302,403,404"; //HTTP codes that are OK //////////////////////////// MAIN //////////////////////////// #var_dump($argv); #exit(); include_once("/etc/nagios/scripts/lib/check_for_custom_config_lib.php"); //Load check for custom config library. $servicegroups_array = array();// Servicegroup array $servicehttp_array = array();// http service array $servicehttps_array = array();// https service array //Open the database with a list of servers. $dbh = new PDO("sqlite:$database_folder/servers.sqlite3") or die("cannot open the database"); //Build the arrays foreach($servicehttps_ports_array as $port) { $servicehttps_array["$port"] = array(); } foreach($servicehttp_ports_array as $port) { $servicehttp_array["$port"] = array(); } $stmt = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM servers;"); $debug_count = 0; if($argc>1) { echo "Pinging $argv[1] \r\n"; //ping to see if the host is up. exec("ping -c 1 $argv[1]", $null, $result); if (!($result == 0)){ continue;} echo "Checking $argv[1] with ISPortal \r"; $Output = NagiosServiceCheck($argv[1]); echo $Output; $fh= fopen($argv[1],'w'); fwrite($fh, $Output); fclose($fh); } else { //Loop over the list of servers. foreach ($stmt as $row) { $host = $row["hostname"]; $ip = $row["ip"]; echo "Pinging $host \r\n"; //ping to see if the host is up. exec("ping -c 1 $ip", $null, $result); if (!($result == 0)){ continue;} echo "Checking $host with ISPortal \r"; #httpChecks($host,$ip); //Check for HTTP and HTTPS ports $Output = NagiosServiceCheck($host); echo $Output; $fh= fopen($host,'w'); fwrite($fh, $Output); fclose($fh); $debug_count++; # if ($debug_count > 50) {break 1;} //Stop after X servers for testing } } exit(); function ServiceCheck($ServiceName) { switch ($i) { case 0: echo "i equals 0"; break; case 1: echo "i equals 1"; break; case 2: echo "i equals 2"; break; } } function NagiosServiceCheck($host) { try { #$client = new SoapClient("https://IsPortal/API.asmx?WSDL", array('login' => "EID@FQDN.COM", 'password' => "MyPasswordGoesHere", 'user_agent' => 'PHPSoapClient')); $client = new SoapClient("https://IsPortal/API.asmx?WSDL", array('user_agent' => 'PHPSoapClient', 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE)); #var_dump($client->__getFunctions()); #$result = $client->HelloWorld()->HelloWorldResult; #$result = $client->Testing_HelloWorld()->Testing_HelloWorldResult; #$result = $client->Nagios_GenerateCustomServices($host, "true")->Nagios_GenerateCustomServicesResult; #$result = $client->__soapCall(Nagios_GenerateCustomServices, 'Hostname' => '$host', 'MustBeSetToAutomatic', => 'True')->Nagios_GenerateCustomServicesResult; #$result = $client->Nagios_GenerateCustomServices(new SoapParam('Hostname', $Hostname), new SoapParam("True", $MustBeSetToAutomatic))->Nagios_GenerateCustomServicesResult; #$result = $client->Nagios_GenerateCustomServices(array('parameters' => $params))->Nagios_GenerateCustomServicesResult; $params = array('Hostname' => $host, 'MustBeSetToAutomatic' => 'True'); $result = $client->__soapCall('Nagios_GenerateCustomServices', array('parameters' => $params))->Nagios_GenerateCustomServicesResult; #echo $result; return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'caught execption: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } function httpChecks($host,$ip) { global $httpcodes,$check_http,$servicehttp_array,$servicehttps_array,$servicehttps_ports_array,$servicehttp_ports_array; //Check for an active HTTP service on an array of ports. foreach($servicehttp_ports_array as $port) { ///Check for an active HTTP service on an array of ports. $output_array = array(); exec ($check_http." -p $port -H $ip --expect=$httpcodes -t 2", $output_array); //Use the Nagios check_http to probe the ports. if( preg_match("/HTTP OK:/",$output_array[0]) ) { echo "HTTP $port found for $host \n"; array_push($servicehttp_array["$port"], $host); //dump found host and port into array //var_dump($servicehttps_array); } } //Check for an active HTTPS service on an array of ports. foreach($servicehttps_ports_array as $port) { $output_array = array(); exec ($check_http." -p $port -H $ip -S --expect=$httpcodes -t 2", $output_array); //Use the Nagios check_http to probe the ports. if( preg_match("/HTTP OK:/",$output_array[0]) ) { echo "HTTPS $port found for $host \n"; array_push($servicehttps_array["$port"], $host); //dump found host and port into array //var_dump($servicehttps_array); } } } function generateServiceGroups($servicegroups_array) { //Create a service group for each new service monitored. $output_group = ""; $servicegroups_array = array_unique($servicegroups_array); foreach($servicegroups_array as $name) { echo "servicegroup:$name\n"; $output_group .= "define servicegroup{\n"; $output_group .= " servicegroup_name $name\n"; $output_group .= " alias\n"; $output_group .= "}\n"; } return($output_group); } function generateServiceHTTP($servicehttp_array,$servicehttp_ports_array){ $service_list = ""; $service = ""; global $servicegroups_array,$httpcodes; //loop over each port. foreach($servicehttp_ports_array as $port) { $service_list = ""; if (count($servicehttp_array[$port]) > 0) { //loop over the array foreach($servicehttp_array[$port] as $host) { //skip if there is a custom config. if (checkForCustomConfig($host,"HTTP $port")) { continue; } //Put additional check here. //Service is good, add it to the list. $service_list .= $host . ","; } $service_list=substr_replace($service_list,"",-1); //remove ending comma $service .="define service{\n"; $service .=" use generic-service\n"; $service .=" host_name $service_list\n"; $service .=" service_description HTTP $port\n"; $service .=" check_command check_web! --expect=$httpcodes -p $port -w 8 -c 9\n"; $service .=" check_interval 5\n"; $service .=" flap_detection_enabled 0\n"; $service .=" retry_interval 1\n"; $service .=" notifications_enabled 0\n"; $service .=" servicegroups http-checks-$port\n"; $service .=" contact_groups OpsSysadmin\n"; $service .=" notes HTTP $port Website checks\n"; $service .="}\n"; array_push($servicegroups_array,"http-checks-$port"); } } return($service); } function generateServiceHTTPS($servicehttps_array,$servicehttps_ports_array){ $service_list = ""; $service = ""; global $servicegroups_array,$httpcodes;; //loop over each port. foreach($servicehttps_ports_array as $port) { $service_list = ""; if (count($servicehttps_array[$port]) > 0) { //loop over the array foreach($servicehttps_array[$port] as $host) { //skip if there is a custom config. if (checkForCustomConfig($host,"HTTPS $port")) { continue; } //Put additional check here. //Service is good, add it to the list. $service_list .= $host . ","; } $service_list=substr_replace($service_list,"",-1); //remove ending comma $service .="define service{\n"; $service .=" use generic-service\n"; $service .=" host_name $service_list\n"; $service .=" service_description HTTPS $port\n"; $service .=" check_command check_web! --expect=$httpcodes -p $port -w 8 -c 9 --ssl\n"; $service .=" check_interval 5\n"; $service .=" flap_detection_enabled 0\n"; $service .=" retry_interval 1\n"; $service .=" notifications_enabled 0\n"; $service .=" servicegroups https-checks-$port\n"; $service .=" contact_groups OpsSysadmin\n"; $service .=" notes HTTPS $port Website checks\n"; $service .="}\n"; array_push($servicegroups_array,"https-checks-$port"); } } return($service); } function generateServiceHTTPSCert($servicehttps_array,$servicehttps_ports_array){ $service_list = ""; $service = ""; global $servicegroups_array,$httpcodes; //loop over each port. foreach($servicehttps_ports_array as $port) { $service_list = ""; if (count($servicehttps_array[$port]) > 0) { //loop over the array foreach($servicehttps_array[$port] as $host) { //skip if there is a custom config. if (checkForCustomConfig($host,"HTTPS $port SSL Cert Expiration")) { continue; } //Put additional check here. //Service is good, add it to the list. $service_list .= $host . ","; } $service_list=substr_replace($service_list,"",-1); //remove ending comma $service .="define service{\n"; $service .=" use generic-service\n"; $service .=" host_name $service_list\n"; $service .=" service_description HTTPS $port SSL Cert Expiration\n"; $service .=" check_command check_web!--expect=$httpcodes -p $port -w 8 -c 9 --ssl -C 20\n"; $service .=" check_interval 5\n"; $service .=" flap_detection_enabled 0\n"; $service .=" retry_interval 1\n"; $service .=" notifications_enabled 0\n"; $service .=" servicegroups https-cert-checks-$port\n"; $service .=" contact_groups OpsSysadmin\n"; $service .=" notes HTTPS $port SSL Cert Expiration checks\n"; $service .="}\n"; array_push($servicegroups_array,"https-cert-checks-$port"); } } return($service); } //------------------------------End of script. Functions below ------------------------- |
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<WebMethod()> Public Function Nagios_GenerateCustomServices(ByVal Hostname As String, ByVal MustBeSetToAutomatic As Boolean) Dim ReturnedArray As ArrayList If MustBeSetToAutomatic Then ReturnedArray = MyModule.DetectServerServices(Hostname, ServiceProcess.ServiceStartMode.Automatic) Else ReturnedArray = MyModule.DetectServerServices(Hostname, -1) End If Dim Host As String = "define host{ use linux-server host_name " & Hostname & " alias " & Hostname & " address " & System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(Hostname).AddressList(0).ToString & " notes Ex. vBlock - VCE PowerPath hostgroups Ex. vBlock_linux_appliance } " Dim Data As String = Nothing Data = Host If MustBeSetToAutomatic Then For I = 0 To ReturnedArray.Count - 1 If (ReturnedArray(I).ToString.StartsWith("!")) Then Continue For End If Data &= "define service{ use generic-service host_name " & Hostname & " service_description " & ReturnedArray(I).ToString.Replace("\(", "(").Replace("\)", ")") & " check_command CheckServiceSNMP!" & ReturnedArray(I) & " check_interval 60 retry_interval 1 notification_interval 60 contact_groups nicholas event_handler start_service!start_" & ReturnedArray(I) & " max_check_attempts 2 notifications_enabled 1 } " 'root@Hostname[Nagios]:/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins# ./check_SNMP_service_displayname_emc MySnmpCommunity IsPortal "Power" Next Else For I = 0 To ReturnedArray.Count - 1 If Not (ReturnedArray(I).ToString.StartsWith("!")) Then Continue For End If Data &= "define service{ use generic-service host_name " & Hostname & " service_description " & ReturnedArray(I).ToString.Substring(1).Replace("\(", "(").Replace("\)", ")") & " check_command CheckServiceSNMP!" & ReturnedArray(I) & " check_interval 60 retry_interval 1 notification_interval 60 contact_groups TheGrouup event_handler start_service!start_" & ReturnedArray(I) & " max_check_attempts 2 notifications_enabled 1 } " Next End If Return Data End Function |