I’ve been on 2.1.0 for quite sometime and decided to take the leap to 3.0.0. After I did I started experiencing intermittent connection issues with my Wifi. Then also creating a snapshot I moved back to 2.1.0 and everything works great again. I also tested 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 and all yield the same issue and rolling back to 2.1.0 everything works. Does this having something to do with the new RF_CAL param added in userland or something else I may be missing from my upgrade? Any help would be amazing as I am currently stuck in the water right now with this specific issue.
As you can see in the first picture that is of my NONOS SDK 2.1.0. In the 2nd is the same exact code running on 2.2.0 and I get the same results and error each time unless I revert back to 2.1.0. It almost seems like when I do my Station_Init something in the new SDK or maybe the way I MAKE the sdk is jacking up the Radio. It seems at runtime the radio gets stuck in an off position or something I am not seeing but the 2.1.0 you see it kick off with “mode: 0 -> 3” and yet you never see that happen in the new versions. It seems like something in the SDK changed the behavior of connecting via Wifi? Futhermore, When I do a custom scan I can see one accesspoint that is on channel 9 but not my default “HHN” network that is on channel 6.
To add, This may be an issue on how I am upgrading my SDK. I use PFalcon’s toolchain and modify the make file to include the other sdk’s then run the following.
make clean-sdk clean-sysroot all Once completed I have to run a few post commands to fix a few things to get my SDK to run.
Fix1: Copy all the ld files located in esp-open-sdk/ESP8266_NONO_SDK-{VER} -> esp-open-sdk/xtensa-lx106-elf/sysroot/usr/lib. I then have to go into the files and update the include locations within the files to correct this. /* get ROM code address */ INCLUDE “../ld/eagle.rom.addr.v6.ld” -> INCLUDE “/eagle.rom.addr.v6.ld”
Fix2:[osboxes@osboxes i2c]$ make fresh xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc -Teagle.app.v6.ld main.o -nostdlib -Wl,–start-group -lmain -lpwm -lnet80211 -lwpa -llwip -lpp -lphy -lc -Wl,–end-group -lgcc -o main /home/osboxes/esp-open-sdk/xtensa-lx106-elf/lib/gcc/xtensa-lx106-elf/4.8.5/../../../../xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/ld: main section .text' will not fit in region
iram1_0_seg’ /home/osboxes/esp-open-sdk/xtensa-lx106-elf/lib/gcc/xtensa-lx106-elf/4.8.5/../../../../xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/ld: region `iram1_0_seg’ overflowed by 956 bytes collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [main] Error 1
To fix this I then have to copy the libgcc.a to and from the location below esp-open-sdk/ESP8266_NONO_SDK-{VER}/lib/ -> esp-open-sdk/xtensa-lx106-elf/lib/gcc/xtensa-lx106-elf/4.8.5
I think I may have figured it out.. It appears in SDK 2.2.0 from 2.2.1 seems to have added an RSSI threshold to the Station_Config structure and I think that was filtering out my SSID’s during its scan, During the normal operation, I read back a flash structure and populate the structure with Data but maybe there’s Junk data that lives inside that structure when I try to use it in the NEW sdk and thus filters out my AccessPoint.. maybe due to invalid values in that structure member or that it is indeed valid but my SSID doesn’t mean the RSSI burden of whatever the Junk data was inside.
My sample code of what may have been getting affected by this new change in 2.2.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 |
#include "esp_sdk_ver.h" struct station_config stationConfig; SpiFlashOpResult ReadResult = spi_flash_read(WifiMemorySpace,(uint32 *)&FlashStationConf,sizeof(FlashStationConf)); if (ReadResult == SPI_FLASH_RESULT_OK) { os_printf("[%s][%s][%d] - WifiMemorySpace@0x%x read SUCCESS %s - %s - %d\r\n", __FILE__ ,__func__, __LINE__, WifiMemorySpace, FlashStationConf.ssid, FlashStationConf.password, FlashStationConf.programmed); } else if(ReadResult == SPI_FLASH_RESULT_ERR) { os_printf("[%s][%s][%d] - SPI_FLASH_RESULT_ERR", __FILE__ ,__func__, __LINE__); } else if(ReadResult == SPI_FLASH_RESULT_TIMEOUT) { os_printf("[%s][%s][%d] - SPI_FLASH_RESULT_TIMEOUT", __FILE__ ,__func__, __LINE__); } FlashStationConf.ssid[31]=0; //Sets null terminators FlashStationConf.password[63]=0; //Sets null terminiators if(FlashStationConf.programmed==1) { #if ESP_SDK_VERSION >= 020200 os_printf("[%s][%s][%d] - Saved WifiStation Information Found > 2.2.0!!\r\n\tssid: \"%s\"\n\tpw: \"%s\"\r\n)", __FILE__ ,__func__, __LINE__, FlashStationConf.ssid, FlashStationConf.password); stationConfig.threshold.authmode = AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PSK; //This is requied or it will not connect to any AP stationConfig.threshold.rssi = 84; #else os_printf("[%s][%s][%d] - Saved WifiStation Information Found!!\r\n\tssid: \"%s\"\n\tpw: \"%s\"\r\n", __FILE__ ,__func__, __LINE__, FlashStationConf.ssid, FlashStationConf.password); //os_printf("Curent Config (Station - %s, Password - %s)\n\r", current_config.ssid, current_config.password); #endif //os_printf("SizeOf(FlashStationConf) = %d\r\n", sizeof(FlashStationConf)) stationConfig.bssid_set = 0; //stationConfig.channel = 0; //no such thing, use wifi_set_channel() os_memcpy(&stationConfig.ssid, FlashStationConf.ssid, 32); os_memcpy(&stationConfig.password, FlashStationConf.password, 64); //This was added recently for faster connections, not sure if this is a good thing yet //os_memcpy(&stationConfig.Channel, FlashStationConf.channel, 1); //os_memcpy(&stationConfig.ssid_hidden, FlashStationConf.ssid_hidden, 1); //os_memcpy(&stationConfig.max_connection, FlashStationConf.max_connection, 1); //os_memcpy(&stationConfig.beacon_interval, FlashStationConf.beacon_interval, 2); //wifi_station_set_config(&stationConfig); wifi_station_set_config_current(&stationConfig); if (wifi_station_connect()) { os_printf("[%s][%s][%d] - Attempting to connect to station, starting IP Timer\r\n", __FILE__ ,__func__, __LINE__); os_timer_disarm(&network_check_ip_timer); //Timer must be disarmed or may cause a crash. This timer may have been used before being used again os_timer_setfn(&network_check_ip_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)network_check_ip, NULL); os_timer_arm(&network_check_ip_timer, 10000, 0); /*if (myConnectToStronestWifiCallback != NULL) { myConnectToStronestWifiCallback(); //Need to check if a ValidIP is ready before doing this. } */ } else { os_printf("[%s][%s][%d] - Station failed to connect to an open wifi\r\n", __FILE__ ,__func__, __LINE__); } |