1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 |
Imports System.Net.Mail Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim MyAppt As New AppointmentBLL(RoundUpToQuarterHour(Now.AddMinutes(60)), RoundUpToQuarterHour(Now.AddMinutes(90)), "Subject", "Open to discuss", "Location", "To@to.org", "To@to.org", "From@From.org", "From@From.org") MyAppt.EmailAppointment() End Sub Function RoundUpToQuarterHour(ByVal theDate As Date) As Date Do Until theDate.Minute Mod 15 = 0 theDate = theDate.AddMinutes(1) Loop theDate = theDate.AddSeconds(-(theDate.Second)) 'Remove the seconds Return theDate End Function End Module Public Class AppointmentBLL ' This class formats and sends a meeting request via SMTP email Public StartDate As DateTime Public EndDate As DateTime Public Subject As String Public Summary As String Public Location As String Public AttendeeName As String Public AttendeeEmail As String Public OrganizerName As String Public OrganizerEmail As String Public Sub New(ByVal pdtStartDate As DateTime, ByVal pdtEndDate As DateTime, ByVal psSubject As String, ByVal psSummary As String, ByVal psLocation As String, ByVal psAttendeeName As String, ByVal psAttendeeEmail As String, ByVal psOrganizerName As String, ByVal psOrganizerEmail As String) ' Copy constructor parameters to public propeties StartDate = pdtStartDate EndDate = pdtEndDate Subject = psSubject Summary = psSummary Location = psLocation AttendeeName = psAttendeeName AttendeeEmail = psAttendeeEmail OrganizerName = psOrganizerName OrganizerEmail = psOrganizerEmail End Sub Public Sub EmailAppointment() ' Send the calendar message to the attendee Dim loMsg As New MailMessage Dim loTextView As AlternateView = Nothing Dim loHTMLView As AlternateView = Nothing Dim loCalendarView As AlternateView = Nothing Dim loSMTPServer As New SmtpClient("exchange.info.sys") ' SMTP settings set up in web.config such as: ' <system.net> ' <mailSettings> ' <smtp> ' <network ' host = "exchange.mycompany.com" ' port = "25" ' userName = "username" ' password="password" /> ' </smtp> ' </mailSettings> ' </system.net> ' Set up the different mime types contained in the message Dim loTextType As System.Net.Mime.ContentType = New System.Net.Mime.ContentType("text/plain") Dim loHTMLType As System.Net.Mime.ContentType = New System.Net.Mime.ContentType("text/html") Dim loCalendarType As System.Net.Mime.ContentType = New System.Net.Mime.ContentType("text/calendar") ' Add parameters to the calendar header loCalendarType.Parameters.Add("method", "REQUEST") loCalendarType.Parameters.Add("name", "meeting.ics") ' Create message body parts loTextView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(BodyText(), loTextType) loMsg.AlternateViews.Add(loTextView) loHTMLView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(BodyHTML(), loHTMLType) loMsg.AlternateViews.Add(loHTMLView) loCalendarView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(VCalendar(), loCalendarType) loCalendarView.TransferEncoding = Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.SevenBit loMsg.AlternateViews.Add(loCalendarView) ' Adress the message loMsg.From = New MailAddress(OrganizerEmail) loMsg.To.Add(New MailAddress(AttendeeEmail)) loMsg.Subject = Subject ' Send the message loSMTPServer.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network loSMTPServer.Send(loMsg) End Sub Public Function BodyText() As String ' Return the Body in text format Const BODY_TEXT = "Type:Single Meeting" & vbCrLf & "Organizer: {0}" & vbCrLf & "Start Time:{1}" & vbCrLf & "End Time:{2}" & vbCrLf & "Time Zone:{3}" & vbCrLf & "Location: {4}" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "{5}" Return String.Format(BODY_TEXT, OrganizerName, StartDate.ToLongDateString & " " & StartDate.ToLongTimeString, EndDate.ToLongDateString & " " & EndDate.ToLongTimeString, System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.StandardName, Location, Summary) End Function Public Function BodyHTML() As String ' Return the Body in HTML format Const BODY_HTML = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"">" & vbCrLf & "<HTML>" & vbCrLf & "<HEAD>" & vbCrLf & "<META HTTP-EQUIV=""Content-Type"" CONTENT=""text/html; charset=utf-8"">" & vbCrLf & "<META NAME=""Generator"" CONTENT=""MS Exchange Server version 6.5.7652.24"">" & vbCrLf & "<TITLE>{0}</TITLE>" & vbCrLf & "</HEAD>" & vbCrLf & "<BODY>" & vbCrLf & "<!-- Converted from text/plain format -->" & vbCrLf & "<P><FONT SIZE=2>Type:Single Meeting<BR>" & vbCrLf & "Organizer:{1}<BR>" & vbCrLf & "Start Time:{2}<BR>" & vbCrLf & "End Time:{3}<BR>" & vbCrLf & "Time Zone:{4}<BR>" & vbCrLf & "Location:{5}<BR>" & vbCrLf & "<BR>" & vbCrLf & "*~*~*~*~*~*Generated by Server*~*~*~*~*~*<BR>" & vbCrLf & "<BR>" & vbCrLf & "{6}<BR>" & vbCrLf & "</FONT>" & vbCrLf & "</P>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "</BODY>" & vbCrLf & "</HTML>" Return String.Format(BODY_HTML, Summary, OrganizerName, StartDate.ToLongDateString & " " & StartDate.ToLongTimeString, EndDate.ToLongDateString & " " & EndDate.ToLongTimeString, System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.StandardName, Location, Summary) End Function ' Reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library ' Reference to Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Library ' Reference to Active DS Type Library ' Note: It is recommended that all input parameters be validated when they are ' first obtained from the user or user interface. Function GetFreeBusyString(ByVal strUserUPN As String, ByVal dtStartDate As Date, ByVal dtEndDate As Date, ByVal Interval As Integer) As String Try ' Variables. 'Dim iAddr As New CDO.Addressee() 'Dim freebusy As String 'Dim Info As New ActiveDs.ADSystemInfo() 'iAddr.EmailAddress = strUserUPN 'If Not iAddr.CheckName("LDAP://" & Info.DomainDNSName) Then 'Throw New System.Exception("Error occured!") 'End If ' Get the free/busy status in Interval minute intervals ' from dtStartDate to dtEndDate. 'freebusy = iAddr.GetFreeBusy(dtStartDate, dtEndDate, Interval) 'GetFreeBusyString = freebusy Catch err As Exception Console.WriteLine(err.ToString()) GetFreeBusyString = "" End Try End Function Public Function VCalendar() As String ' Return the Calendar text in vCalendar format, compatible with most calendar programs Const lcDateFormat = "yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ" Dim loGUID As Guid = Guid.NewGuid ' Or use the guid of an exiting meeting? Const VCAL_FILE = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" & vbCrLf & "METHOD:REQUEST" & vbCrLf & "PRODID:Microsoft CDO for Microsoft Exchange" & vbCrLf & "VERSION:2.0" & vbCrLf & "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE" & vbCrLf & "TZID:(GMT-06.00) Central Time (US & Canada)" & vbCrLf & "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-TZID:11" & vbCrLf & "BEGIN:STANDARD" & vbCrLf & "DTSTART:16010101T020000" & vbCrLf & "TZOFFSETFROM:-0500" & vbCrLf & "TZOFFSETTO:-0600" & vbCrLf & "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;WKST=MO;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=11;BYDAY=1SU" & vbCrLf & "END:STANDARD" & vbCrLf & "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT" & vbCrLf & "DTSTART:16010101T020000" & vbCrLf & "TZOFFSETFROM:-0600" & vbCrLf & "TZOFFSETTO:-0500" & vbCrLf & "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;WKST=MO;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=2SU" & vbCrLf & "END:DAYLIGHT" & vbCrLf & "END:VTIMEZONE" & vbCrLf & "BEGIN:VEVENT" & vbCrLf & "DTSTAMP:{8}" & vbCrLf & "DTSTART:{0}" & vbCrLf & "SUMMARY:{7}" & vbCrLf & "UID:{5}" & vbCrLf & "ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION;RSVP=TRUE;CN=""{9}"":MAILTO:{9}" & vbCrLf & "ACTION;RSVP=TRUE;CN=""{4}"":MAILTO:{4}" & vbCrLf & "ORGANIZER;CN=""{3}"":mailto:{4}" & vbCrLf & "LOCATION:{2}" & vbCrLf & "DTEND:{1}" & vbCrLf & "DESCRIPTION:{7}\N" & vbCrLf & "SEQUENCE:1" & vbCrLf & "PRIORITY:5" & vbCrLf & "CLASS:" & vbCrLf & "CREATED:{8}" & vbCrLf & "LAST-MODIFIED:{8}" & vbCrLf & "STATUS:CONFIRMED" & vbCrLf & "TRANSP:OPAQUE" & vbCrLf & "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:BUSY" & vbCrLf & "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-INSTTYPE:0" & vbCrLf & "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-INTENDEDSTATUS:BUSY" & vbCrLf & "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT:FALSE" & vbCrLf & "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-IMPORTANCE:1" & vbCrLf & "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-OWNERAPPTID:-1" & vbCrLf & "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ATTENDEE-CRITICAL-CHANGE:{8}" & vbCrLf & "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-OWNER-CRITICAL-CHANGE:{8}" & vbCrLf & "BEGIN:VALARM" & vbCrLf & "ACTION:DISPLAY" & vbCrLf & "DESCRIPTION:REMINDER" & vbCrLf & "TRIGGER;RELATED=START:-PT00H15M00S" & vbCrLf & "END:VALARM" & vbCrLf & "END:VEVENT" & vbCrLf & "END:VCALENDAR" & vbCrLf Return String.Format(VCAL_FILE, StartDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString(lcDateFormat), EndDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString(lcDateFormat), Location, OrganizerName, OrganizerEmail, "{" & loGUID.ToString() & "}", Summary, Subject, Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString(lcDateFormat), AttendeeEmail) End Function End Class |
Monthly Archives: November 2019
Listening for incomming calls via Cisco Jabber
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Sub Main() ListenForRawData() end sub Dim RAWSocket As System.Net.Sockets.Socket Private Const IOC_VENDOR As Integer = &H18000000 Private Const IOC_IN As Integer = -2147483648 Private Const SIO_RCVALL As Integer = IOC_IN Or IOC_VENDOR Or 1 Private Const SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID As Integer = &H20 Private Const DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS As Integer = &H220 Dim MyIPAddr As String = vbNullString Dim MyStateObject As StateObject Public Class StateObject Public workSocket As System.Net.Sockets.Socket = Nothing Public Const BUFFER_SIZE As Integer = 65535 Public buffer(BUFFER_SIZE) As Byte Public sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder() End Class 'StateObject Private Sub ListenForRawData() 'To get local address Dim sHostName As String sHostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName() Dim ipE As System.Net.IPHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(sHostName) Dim IpA() As System.Net.IPAddress = ipE.AddressList MyIPAddr = IpA(0).ToString() MyStateObject = New StateObject() RAWSocket = New System.Net.Sockets.Socket(System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Raw, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.IP) Dim OptionIn() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(1) Dim OptionOut() As Byte = Nothing Dim InByte() As Byte = {1, 0, 0, 0} Dim outByte(4) As Byte 'RAWSocket.Bind(New System.Net.IPEndPoint(Net.IPAddress.Any, 0)) RAWSocket.Bind(New System.Net.IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(MyIPAddr), 0)) 'must be bound to a IP ' RAWSocket.IOControl(SIO_RCVALL, InByte, outByte) RAWSocket.BeginReceive(MyStateObject.buffer, 0, StateObject.BUFFER_SIZE, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.Peek, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf SockCallBack), Nothing) Debug.WriteLine("Listening On: " & MyIPAddr) End Sub Private Sub SockCallBack(ByVal ar As System.IAsyncResult) Dim BytesReturned = RAWSocket.EndReceive(ar) Dim ListboxData As String = vbNullString Select Case MyStateObject.buffer(9) Case &H1 'Protocol ICMP Case &H2 'Debug.WriteLine("IGAP,IGMP,RGMP") Case &H6 'TCP 'MyThreadToCall.TypeOfData = TypeOfPacket.TCP 'MyThreadToCall.STRData = DumpTCP(MyStateObject.buffer, BytesReturned, MyThreadToCall.TypeOfData) Case &H11 'UDP Case Else 'Debug.Write("Protocol Unknown - " & Hex$(MyStateObject.buffer(9))) End Select 'For i = 0 To BytesReturned - 1 ' Debug.Write(Hex$(MyStateObject.buffer(i)) & " ") ' If i = 9 Or i = 19 Or i = 29 Or i = 39 Or i = 49 Then Debug.WriteLine("") ' Next ' Debug.WriteLine("") ' Debug.WriteLine("") ' Select Case MyStateObject.buffer(9) Case &H1 Dim FROMIP As String = MyStateObject.buffer(12) & "." & MyStateObject.buffer(13) & "." & MyStateObject.buffer(14) & "." & MyStateObject.buffer(15) Dim DESTIP As String = MyStateObject.buffer(16) & "." & MyStateObject.buffer(17) & "." & MyStateObject.buffer(18) & "." & MyStateObject.buffer(19) If FROMIP = MyIPAddr Then If MyStateObject.buffer(20) = 0 Then 'Ping Reply Debug.WriteLine("You sent a Ping Reply to: " & DESTIP) Else Debug.WriteLine("You sent a Ping Request to: " & DESTIP) End If RAWSocket.BeginReceive(MyStateObject.buffer, 0, MyStateObject.BUFFER_SIZE, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.None, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf SockCallBack), Nothing) Exit Sub End If If MyStateObject.buffer(20) = 0 Then 'Ping Reply Debug.WriteLine("Ping Reply: " & FROMIP) RAWSocket.BeginReceive(MyStateObject.buffer, 0, MyStateObject.BUFFER_SIZE, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.None, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf SockCallBack), Nothing) Exit Sub End If Debug.WriteLine("Ping Request From - " & FROMIP & " | Bytes: " & (BytesReturned - 28) & " | TTL=" & MyStateObject.buffer(8)) '-28 shows the ping payload 'If TempClass.STRData <> vbNullString Then 'Me.Invoke(New MyDelPtr(AddressOf TempClass.ADDTOLISTBOX)) 'Invoke on main thread 'End If 'For i = 0 To BytesReturned - 1 ' Debug.Write(Hex$(MyStateObject.buffer(i)) & " ") ' If i = 9 Or i = 19 Or i = 29 Or i = 39 Or i = 49 Then Debug.WriteLine("") ' Next Case &H2 'Debug.WriteLine("IGAP,IGMP,RGMP") Case &H6 Debug.WriteLine("TCP ") Dim DestPort As UInteger = MyStateObject.buffer(22) DestPort <<= 8 DestPort += MyStateObject.buffer(23) Dim SrcPort As UInteger = MyStateObject.buffer(20) SrcPort <<= 8 SrcPort += MyStateObject.buffer(21) Dim FROMIP As String = MyStateObject.buffer(12) & "." & MyStateObject.buffer(13) & "." & MyStateObject.buffer(14) & "." & MyStateObject.buffer(15) Dim Data As String = vbNullString '= System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(MyStateObject.buffer) For Each MyByte As Byte In MyStateObject.buffer If MyByte >= 32 AndAlso MyByte <= 126 Then Data &= Chr(MyByte) End If Next If DestPort = 5060 Or SrcPort = 5060 Then Debug.WriteLine("Phone!") Debug.WriteLine("Data: " & SrcPort & " -> " & DestPort & " | " & Data) End If If (Data.Contains("INVITE sip:")) Then 'From: "IS Sys Ops 1" <sip:1549@> 'To: <sip:6588@ccm-02.emc.org> End If Dim myTo As String Dim myFrom As String Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(Data, "(To|From):.*?<sip:[\d]{1,4}@.*?>") ' Loop over matches. For Each m As Match In matches ' Loop over captures. For Each c As Capture In m.Captures ' Display. 'Console.WriteLine("Index={0}, Value={1}", c.Index, c.Value) If c.Value.Contains("From:") Then myFrom = c.Value End If If c.Value.Contains("To:") Then myTo = c.Value End If Next Next If Data.Contains("INVITE sip") Then Console.WriteLine("Incomming call: " & myFrom & " -> " & myTo) 'RaiseEvent CallIncomming() End If If Data.Contains("Request Cancelled") Then Console.WriteLine("Request Canceled: " & myFrom & " -> " & myTo) 'RaiseEvent CallMissed() End If If Data.Contains("RingingVia") Then Console.WriteLine("Rining Phone: " & myFrom & " -> " & myTo) 'RaiseEvent CallMissed() End If If Data.Contains("CANCEL sip") Then Console.WriteLine("CANCEL sip: " & myFrom & " -> " & myTo) 'RaiseEvent CallMissed() End If If Data.Contains("UPDATE sip") Then Console.WriteLine("UPDATE sip: " & myFrom & " -> " & myTo) 'RaiseEvent CallMissed() End If If Data.Contains("BYE sip") Then Console.WriteLine("Call ending: " & myFrom & " -> " & myTo) ' RaiseEvent CallEnded() End If If Data.Contains("Accepted") Then Console.WriteLine("Accepted: " & myFrom & " -> " & myTo) 'RaiseEvent CallStarted() End If Select Case MyStateObject.buffer(33) Case &H2 'Debug.Write("[SYN] - ") Case &H10 'Debug.Write("[ACK] - ") Case &H11 'Debug.Write("[FIN, ACK] - ") Case &H12 'Debug.Write("[SYN, ACK] - ") Case &H14 'Debug.Write("[RST, ACK] - ") Case &H18 Debug.Write("[PSH, ACK] - ") Case Else 'Debug.Write("[Unknown] - ") End Select 'DumpLayer4(MyStateObject.buffer) Case &H11 'Debug.Write("UDP - ") 'Debug.WriteLine("") Case Else 'Debug.Write("Protocol Unknown - " & Hex$(MyStateObject.buffer(9))) End Select 'For i = 0 To BytesReturned - 1 ' Debug.Write(Hex$(MyStateObject.buffer(i)) & " ") ' If i = 9 Or i = 19 Or i = 29 Or i = 39 Or i = 49 Then Debug.WriteLine("") ' Next ' Debug.WriteLine("") ' Debug.WriteLine("") ' RAWSocket.BeginReceive(MyStateObject.buffer, 0, MyStateObject.BUFFER_SIZE, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.None, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf SockCallBack), Nothing) End Sub |
Now I had to do a conversion to C# to add to my VSTO plugin. This is a translations but also includes removing duped packets based on session id’s to prevent duplicate events being kicked off on the same pickup / hangup.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 |
ArrayList ByeServerList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList ByeSipList = new ArrayList(); private System.Net.Sockets.Socket RAWSocket; private const int IOC_VENDOR = 0x18000000; private const int IOC_IN = -2147483648; private const int SIO_RCVALL = IOC_IN | IOC_VENDOR | 1; private const int SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID = 0x20; private const int DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS = 0x220; private string MyIPAddr = ""; private StateObject MyStateObject; public class StateObject { public System.Net.Sockets.Socket workSocket = null; public const int BUFFER_SIZE = 65535; public byte[] buffer = new byte[65536]; public System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); } // StateObject private void ListenForRawData() { // To get local address string sHostName; sHostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName(); System.Net.IPHostEntry ipE = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(sHostName); System.Net.IPAddress[] IpA = ipE.AddressList; MyIPAddr = IpA[0].ToString(); MyStateObject = new StateObject(); RAWSocket = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Raw, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.IP); byte[] OptionIn = BitConverter.GetBytes(1); byte[] OptionOut = null; byte[] InByte = new byte[] { 1, 0, 0, 0 }; byte[] outByte = new byte[5]; // RAWSocket.Bind(New System.Net.IPEndPoint(Net.IPAddress.Any, 0)) RAWSocket.Bind(new System.Net.IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(MyIPAddr), 0)); // must be bound to a IP // RAWSocket.IOControl(SIO_RCVALL, InByte, outByte); RAWSocket.BeginReceive(MyStateObject.buffer, 0, StateObject.BUFFER_SIZE, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.Peek, new AsyncCallback(SockCallBack), null); Debug.WriteLine("Listening On: " + MyIPAddr); } private void SockCallBack(System.IAsyncResult ar) { var BytesReturned = RAWSocket.EndReceive(ar); string ListboxData = null; switch (MyStateObject.buffer[9]) { case 0x1 // Protocol ICMP : { break; } case 0x2: { break; } case 0x6 // TCP : { break; } case 0x11 // UDP : { break; } default: { break; } } // For i = 0 To BytesReturned - 1 // Debug.Write(Hex$(MyStateObject.buffer(i)) & " ") // If i = 9 Or i = 19 Or i = 29 Or i = 39 Or i = 49 Then Debug.WriteLine("") // Next // Debug.WriteLine("") // Debug.WriteLine("") // switch (MyStateObject.buffer[9]) { case 0x1: { string FROMIP = MyStateObject.buffer[12] + "." + MyStateObject.buffer[13] + "." + MyStateObject.buffer[14] + "." + MyStateObject.buffer[15]; string DESTIP = MyStateObject.buffer[16] + "." + MyStateObject.buffer[17] + "." + MyStateObject.buffer[18] + "." + MyStateObject.buffer[19]; if (FROMIP == MyIPAddr) { if (MyStateObject.buffer[20] == 0) Debug.WriteLine("You sent a Ping Reply to: " + DESTIP); else Debug.WriteLine("You sent a Ping Request to: " + DESTIP); RAWSocket.BeginReceive(MyStateObject.buffer, 0, 65535, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(SockCallBack), null); return; } if (MyStateObject.buffer[20] == 0) { Debug.WriteLine("Ping Reply: " + FROMIP); RAWSocket.BeginReceive(MyStateObject.buffer, 0, 65535, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(SockCallBack), null); return; } Debug.WriteLine("Ping Request From - " + FROMIP + " | Bytes: " + (BytesReturned - 28) + " | TTL=" + MyStateObject.buffer[8]); // -28 shows the ping payload break; } case 0x2: { break; } case 0x6: { //Debug.WriteLine("TCP "); uint DestPort = MyStateObject.buffer[22]; DestPort <<= 8; DestPort += MyStateObject.buffer[23]; uint SrcPort = MyStateObject.buffer[20]; SrcPort <<= 8; SrcPort += MyStateObject.buffer[21]; string FROMIP = MyStateObject.buffer[12] + "." + MyStateObject.buffer[13] + "." + MyStateObject.buffer[14] + "." + MyStateObject.buffer[15]; string Data = null; // = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(MyStateObject.buffer) foreach (byte MyByte in MyStateObject.buffer) { if (MyByte >= 32 && MyByte <= 126) Data += System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(new[] { MyByte }); } if (DestPort == 5060 | SrcPort == 5060) { Debug.WriteLine("Data: " + SrcPort + " -> " + DestPort + " | " + Data); } if ((Data.Contains("INVITE sip:"))) { } string myTo = null; string myFrom = null; string myDuration = null; MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(Data, @"(To|From):.*?<sip:[\d]{1,4}@.*?>"); // Loop over matches. foreach (Match m in matches) { // Loop over captures. foreach (Capture c in m.Captures) { // Display. // Console.WriteLine("Index={0}, Value={1}", c.Index, c.Value) if (c.Value.Contains("From:")) myFrom = c.Value; if (c.Value.Contains("To:")) myTo = c.Value; } } if (Data.Contains("INVITE sip")) Debug.WriteLine("Incomming call: " + myFrom + " -> " + myTo); if (Data.Contains("Request Cancelled")) Debug.WriteLine("Request Canceled: " + myFrom + " -> " + myTo); if (Data.Contains("RingingVia")) Debug.WriteLine("Rining Phone: " + myFrom + " -> " + myTo); if (Data.Contains("CANCEL sip")) Debug.WriteLine("CANCEL sip: " + myFrom + " -> " + myTo); if (Data.Contains("UPDATE sip")) Debug.WriteLine("UPDATE sip: " + myFrom + " -> " + myTo); if (Data.Contains("BYE sip")) { MatchCollection matches3 = Regex.Matches(Data, @"Session-ID: [[0-9a-fA-F]+;"); // Loop over matches. foreach (Match m in matches3) { if (ByeSipList.Contains(m.Value)) { //Debug.WriteLine("Call Concluded"); return; } ByeSipList.Add(m.Value); } Debug.WriteLine("Call ending: " + myFrom + " -> " + myTo); MatchCollection matches2 = Regex.Matches(Data, @"RTP-RxStat: Dur=[\d]+,"); // Loop over matches. foreach (Match m in matches2) { myDuration = m.Value.ToString().Replace("RTP-RxStat: Dur=", "").Replace(",", ""); Debug.WriteLine("BYE sip: Duration of call in seconds: " + myDuration); } if (myDuration != null) { if (!AddCallLog(" " + myFrom + " -> " + myTo, Convert.ToDouble(myDuration +60))) //Add a minute to each call. Each call takes at least a minute of our day right? { Debug.WriteLine("Failed to write calllog"); //break; } } } if (Data.Contains("BYEServer: Cisco-CSF") && Data.Contains("RTP-TxStat:")) //OKVia: SIP { MatchCollection matches3 = Regex.Matches(Data, @"Session-ID: [[0-9a-fA-F]+;"); // Loop over matches. foreach (Match m in matches3) { if (ByeServerList.Contains(m.Value)) { //Debug.WriteLine("Call Concluded"); return; } ByeServerList.Add(m.Value); } Debug.WriteLine("Call ending from Callee: " + myFrom + " -> " + myTo); MatchCollection matches2 = Regex.Matches(Data, @"RTP-RxStat: Dur=[\d]+,"); // Loop over matches. foreach (Match m in matches2) { myDuration = m.Value.ToString().Replace("RTP-RxStat: Dur=", "").Replace(",", ""); Debug.WriteLine("BYEServer: Duration of call in seconds: " + myDuration); } if (myDuration != null) { if (!AddCallLog(" " + myFrom + " -> " + myTo, Convert.ToDouble(myDuration + 60))) //Add a minute to each call. Each call takes at least a minute of our day right? { Debug.WriteLine("Failed to write calllog"); //break; } } } if (Data.Contains("Accepted")) Debug.WriteLine("Accepted: " + myFrom + " -> " + myTo); switch (MyStateObject.buffer[33]) { case 0x2: { break; } case 0x10: { break; } case 0x11: { break; } case 0x12: { break; } case 0x14: { break; } case 0x18: { //Debug.Write("[PSH, ACK] - "); break; } default: { break; } } break; } case 0x11: { break; } default: { break; } } // For i = 0 To BytesReturned - 1 // Debug.Write(Hex$(MyStateObject.buffer(i)) & " ") // If i = 9 Or i = 19 Or i = 29 Or i = 39 Or i = 49 Then Debug.WriteLine("") // Next // Debug.WriteLine("") // Debug.WriteLine("") // RAWSocket.BeginReceive(MyStateObject.buffer, 0, 65535, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(SockCallBack), null); } |
My ASP.NET API interface for Jira
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<WebMethod()> Public Function JiraGetActivityTest() As Log() Dim ActivityLog As Log() = JiraGetActivity(JiraUserID, 30) For Each MyLog In ActivityLog Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Parse(MyLog.Published, Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) & " - " & MyLog.Summary & " - " & MyLog.Ticket) Next Return ActivityLog End Function Public Structure Log Dim Ticket As String Dim Published As String Dim Summary As String End Structure <WebMethod()> Public Function JiraGetActivity(ByVal UserEID As String, ByVal MaxResults As String) As Log() ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = AddressOf AcceptAllCertifications ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = True ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 Dim MyLogsToReturn(MaxResults - 1) As Log Dim I As Integer = -1 ' Create a WebRequest to the remote site Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("https://JiraWebServer/activity?maxResults=" & MaxResults & "&streams=user+IS+" & UserEID & "&os_authType=basic&title=mytitle") ' NB! Use the following line ONLY if the website is protected request.UseDefaultCredentials = True request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials request.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(Global_asax.GADUsername, Global_asax.GADPassword) ' Call the remote site, and parse the data in a response object Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse() ' Check if the response is OK (status code 200) If response.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK Then ' Parse the contents from the response to a stream object Dim stream As System.IO.Stream = response.GetResponseStream() ' Create a reader for the stream object Dim reader As New System.IO.StreamReader(stream) ' Read from the stream object using the reader, put the contents in a string Dim contents As String = reader.ReadToEnd() ' Create a new, empty XML document Dim document As New System.Xml.XmlDocument() ' Load the contents into the XML document document.LoadXml(contents) ' ' Dim nsmgr As New XmlNamespaceManager(document.NameTable) nsmgr.AddNamespace("http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", document.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI) ' Now you have a XmlDocument object that contains the XML from the remote site, you can ' use the objects and methods in the System.Xml namespace to read the document Dim rssNodes As XmlNodeList = document.SelectNodes("//feed/entry") Dim rssContent As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder() For Each MyNode As XmlNode In document.ChildNodes 'Debug.WriteLine(MyNode.se Next Dim xpathDoc As XPathDocument Dim xmlNav As XPathNavigator Dim xmlNI As XPathNodeIterator Dim XmlReader As XmlReader = New XmlNodeReader(document) xpathDoc = New XPathDocument(XmlReader) xmlNav = xpathDoc.CreateNavigator() xmlNI = xmlNav.Select("/") xmlNI.MoveNext() xmlNI.Current.MoveToFirstChild() If Not (xmlNI.Current.IsEmptyElement) Then 'Debug.WriteLine(xmlNI.Current.Name + " : " + xmlNI.Current.Value) End If If (xmlNI.Current.HasChildren) Then While (xmlNI.Current.Name <> "feed") xmlNI.MoveNext() End While xmlNI.Current.MoveToFirstChild() While (xmlNI.Current.Name <> "entry") xmlNI.Current.MoveToNext() 'Debug.WriteLine(xmlNI.Current.Name + " : " + xmlNI.Current.Value) End While xmlNI.Current.MoveToFirstChild() Dim RestartWhile As Boolean = False While True If (Not RestartWhile) Then I += 1 While (xmlNI.Current.Name <> "published") If (Not xmlNI.Current.MoveToNext()) Then Return Nothing End If If (xmlNI.Current.Name = "published") Then MyLogsToReturn(I).Published = xmlNI.Current.Value 'Debug.WriteLine(xmlNI.Current.Name + " : " + xmlNI.Current.Value) Exit While End If End While End If RestartWhile = False While (xmlNI.Current.Name <> "activity:target" And xmlNI.Current.Name <> "activity:object") If (Not xmlNI.Current.MoveToNext()) Then Return Nothing End If 'Debug.WriteLine(xmlNI.Current.Name + " : " + xmlNI.Current.Value) End While xmlNI.Current.MoveToFirstChild() While (xmlNI.Current.Name <> "title") If (Not xmlNI.Current.MoveToNext()) Then xmlNI.Current.MoveToParent() xmlNI.Current.MoveToNext() RestartWhile = True Exit While End If If (xmlNI.Current.Value.Contains("IS-")) Then MyLogsToReturn(I).Ticket = xmlNI.Current.Value 'Debug.WriteLine(xmlNI.Current.Name + " : " + xmlNI.Current.Value) End If End While If RestartWhile Then Continue While End If While (xmlNI.Current.Name <> "summary") If (Not xmlNI.Current.MoveToNext()) Then xmlNI.Current.MoveToParent() xmlNI.Current.MoveToNext() RestartWhile = True Exit While End If If (xmlNI.Current.Name = "summary") Then MyLogsToReturn(I).Summary = xmlNI.Current.Value 'Debug.WriteLine(xmlNI.Current.Name + " : " + xmlNI.Current.Value) End If End While If RestartWhile Then Continue While End If xmlNI.Current.MoveToParent() xmlNI.Current.MoveToParent() If (Not xmlNI.Current.MoveToNext()) Then Exit While End If xmlNI.Current.MoveToFirstChild() End While Return MyLogsToReturn End If 'Do ' Debug.WriteLine(xmlNI.Current.Name + " : " + xmlNI.Current.Value) ' Loop While (xmlNI.Current.MoveToPrevious()) Else ' If the call to the remote site fails, you'll have to handle this. There can be many reasons, ie. the ' remote site does not respond (code 404) or your username and password were incorrect (code 401) ' ' See the codes in the System.Net.HttpStatusCode enumerator Throw New Exception("Could not retrieve document from the URL, response code: " & response.StatusCode) End If End Function <WebMethod()> Public Function JiraCreateTicketTest() As String Return CreateJiraTicket("IS", "TONE-15751", "10000", "Account Issue", "x6588", "TONE-9767", "MyTestSummary", "MyTestDescription", "JiraUserID", "JiraUserID", "System Administrator", "User Incident") End Function ''' <summary> ''' ''' My Function Summary -> https://JiraWebServer/rest/api/latest/issue/IS-383490 ''' https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/7.6.1/ ''' https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/ ''' </summary> ''' <param name="Project">IS</param> ''' <param name="ToneLocation">TONE-15751</param> ''' <param name="TonePriority">10000</param> ''' <param name="IssueType">Account Issue</param> ''' <param name="CallbackNumber">x6588</param> ''' <param name="ToneAffectedObject">TONE-9767</param> ''' <param name="Summary">Jira Ticket Title</param> ''' <param name="Description">Jira Ticket Description</param> ''' <param name="reporter">JiraUserID</param> ''' <param name="assignee">JiraUserID</param> ''' <param name="ReportedType">User Incident</param> ''' <returns></returns> <WebMethod(Description:="Creates a Jira ticket")> Public Function CreateJiraTicket(ByVal Project As String, ByVal ToneLocation As String, ByVal TonePriority As String, ByVal IssueType As String, ByVal CallbackNumber As String, ByVal ToneAffectedObject As String, ByVal Summary As String, ByVal Description As String, ByVal reporter As String, ByVal assignee As String, ByVal assignmentgroup As String, ByVal ReportedType As String) As String 'SendJiraRequest("https://JiraWebServer/rest/api/2/issue/", "{""fields"":{""project"":{""key"":""" + Project + """},""customfield_12000"":[{""key"" : """ + AffectedObject + """}],""customfield_12002"":[{""key"" : """ + Location + """}],""customfield_10400"": {""value"": """ + IssueType + """},""reporter"": {""name"": """ & reporter & """},""assignee"": {""name"": """ & assignee & """},""issuetype"":{""name"": """ + ReportedType + """},""summary"":""" & Summary & """,""description"":""" & Description & """,""customfield_10311"":""" + CallbackNumber + """,""priority"":{""id"":""" & Priority & """}}}", "POST") Dim DataReturn As String = SendJiraRequest("https://JiraWebServer/rest/api/2/issue/", "{""fields"":{""project"":{""key"":""" + Project + """},""customfield_12000"":[{""key"" : """ + ToneAffectedObject + """}],""customfield_12002"":[{""key"" : """ + ToneLocation + """}],""customfield_10328"":{""value"":""" + assignmentgroup + """},""customfield_10400"": {""value"":""" + IssueType + """},""reporter"": {""name"": """ & reporter & """},""assignee"": {""name"": """ & assignee & """},""issuetype"":{""name"": """ + ReportedType + """},""summary"":""" & Summary & """,""description"":""" & Description & """,""customfield_10311"":""" + CallbackNumber + """,""priority"":{""id"":""" & TonePriority & """}}}", "POST") Debug.WriteLine(DataReturn) Return DataReturn End Function <WebMethod(Description:="Searches for a Server Name in Jira")> Public Function JiraSearchForServerObject(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Limit As Integer) As String Dim DataReturn As String = SendJiraRequest("https://JiraWebServer/rest/insight/1.0/objecttype/21/objects?limit=" & Limit.ToString & "&query=" & Name, Nothing, "GET") Debug.WriteLine(DataReturn) Return DataReturn End Function <WebMethod(Description:="Updates a Server Name in Jira")> Public Function JiraUpdateServerName(ByVal ServerID As String, ByVal Name As String) As String JiraUpdateServerField(ServerID, 171, Name) End Function <WebMethod(Description:="Updates a Server comment in Jira")> Public Function JiraUpdateServerComment(ByVal ServerID As String, ByVal Comment As String) As String JiraUpdateServerField(ServerID, 183, Comment) End Function <WebMethod(Description:="Updates a Server Field in Jira")> Public Function JiraUpdateServerField(ByVal ServerID As String, ByVal FieldID As String, ByVal Comment As String) As String Dim DataReturn As String = SendJiraRequest("https://JiraWebServer/rest/insight/1.0/object/" & ServerID, "{""attributes"": [{""objectTypeAttributeId"":""" & FieldID & """,""objectAttributeValues"": [{""value"": """ & Comment & """}]}]}", "PUT") Debug.WriteLine(DataReturn) Return DataReturn End Function <WebMethod()> Public Function JiraSearchForTicket() As String Dim sURL As String sURL = "https://JiraWebServer/rest/api/2/search?jql=" sURL &= "project = 'IS'" 'sURL &= " AND updatedDate >= '2018-12-20' ORDER BY updated ASC" sURL &= "&startAt=1" sURL &= "&maxResults=5" Return SendJiraRequest(sURL, Nothing, "GET") End Function ' WEB API URL Public Function AcceptAllCertifications(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal certification As System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate, ByVal chain As System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain, ByVal sslPolicyErrors As System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors) As Boolean Return True End Function Private Function GetEncodedCredentials() As String Dim mergedCredentials As String = String.Format("{0}:{1}", Global_asax.GADUsername, Global_asax.GADPassword) Dim byteCredentials As Byte() = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mergedCredentials) Return Convert.ToBase64String(byteCredentials) End Function Private Function SendJiraRequest(ByVal Request As String, ByVal Body As String, Optional method As String = "GET") As String ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = AddressOf AcceptAllCertifications ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = True ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 sURL = Request ' Create Web Request Dim objWebRequest As WebRequest objWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(sURL) ' Basic Authentication on Remote Web Site objWebRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization: Basic " & GetEncodedCredentials()) objWebRequest.Method = method If Body IsNot Nothing Then objWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json" Dim data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Body) objWebRequest.ContentLength = data.Length Using requestStream = objWebRequest.GetRequestStream requestStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length) requestStream.Close() Using responseStream = objWebRequest.GetResponse.GetResponseStream Using reader As New StreamReader(responseStream) Return reader.ReadToEnd() End Using End Using End Using Else ' Get Response Dim objStream As Stream Try objStream = objWebRequest.GetResponse.GetResponseStream() ' Display API Query Results Dim i As Integer = 0 Dim sLine As String = "" Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader(objStream) Dim StringToReturn As String = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd() Return StringToReturn Do While Not sLine Is Nothing i += 1 sLine = objStreamReader.ReadLine If Not sLine Is Nothing Then Debug.WriteLine("Line {0}: {1}", i, sLine) End If Loop Catch ex As Exception Console.Write(ex.ToString()) Return Nothing End Try End If Return Nothing End Function |
Capturing Audio with CScore, NAudio and VB.net Console
Make sure in the NuPackage manager you run the “Install-Package CSCore” command.
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Imports CSCore Imports CSCore.SoundIn Imports CSCore.Codecs.WAV ''Install-Package CSCore Module Module1 WithEvents MyCapture As New WasapiLoopbackCapture() Dim MyWaveWriter As WaveWriter Sub Main() ''Debug.WriteLine(Environment.UserName) Dim FilePathToRecordTo As String = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & Environment.UserName & "-" & Date.Now.ToString("d-M-y-HHmm") & ".mp3" MyCapture.Initialize() MyWaveWriter = New WaveWriter(FilePathToRecordTo, MyCapture.WaveFormat) MyCapture.Start() Console.WriteLine(FilePathToRecordTo) Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop the recording") Console.ReadKey() MyCapture.[Stop]() End Sub Private Sub MyCapture_DataAvailable(sender As Object, e As DataAvailableEventArgs) Handles MyCapture.DataAvailable Console.Write(".") MyWaveWriter.Write(e.Data, e.Offset, e.ByteCount) End Sub End Module |
and with Naudio for MP3 compression (Better in my opinion)
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Imports System Imports NAudio.lame Imports NAudio.Wave ''NU Package Managet Console ''install-package NAudio ''install-package NAudio.lame Module Module1 Dim wri As LameMP3FileWriter Dim stopped As Boolean = False WithEvents waveIn As IWaveIn = New WasapiLoopbackCapture() Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) Dim FilePathToRecordTo As String = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & Environment.UserName & "-" & Date.Now.ToString("d-m-y-HHMM") & ".mp3" wri = New LameMP3FileWriter(FilePathToRecordTo, waveIn.WaveFormat, 32) waveIn.StartRecording() stopped = False Console.WriteLine(FilePathToRecordTo) Console.WriteLine("Press ESC key to stop the recording") While Not stopped If Console.KeyAvailable Then Dim key = Console.ReadKey(True) If Not key = Nothing AndAlso key.Key = ConsoleKey.Escape Then waveIn.StopRecording() End If Else System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50) End If End While wri.Flush() waveIn.Dispose() wri.Dispose() End Sub Private Sub waveIn_DataAvailable(sender As Object, e As WaveInEventArgs) Handles waveIn.DataAvailable If wri IsNot Nothing Then wri.Write(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded) Console.Write(".") End Sub Private Sub waveIn_RecordingStopped(sender As Object, e As StoppedEventArgs) Handles waveIn.RecordingStopped stopped = True End Sub End Module |
Register for Jabber Messages and events
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Imports Matrix Imports Matrix.Xmpp Imports Matrix.Xmpp.Client Imports Matrix.Xmpp.Roster ''type this in the package-manager Install-Package MatriX Module Module1 'Install-Package MatriX WithEvents xmppClient As New XmppClient() Sub Main() xmppClient.Compression = False xmppClient.Hostname = Nothing xmppClient.ResolveSrvRecords = True xmppClient.StartTls = True xmppClient.Status = "Online" xmppClient.Show = Show.None xmppClient.Transport = Matrix.Net.Transport.Socket xmppClient.SetUsername("EID") xmppClient.SetXmppDomain("Domain.Com") xmppClient.Password = "EnterYourPasswordHere" xmppClient.ResolveSrvRecords = False xmppClient.Hostname = "MyCupsServer.info.sys" xmppClient.Show = Matrix.Xmpp.Show.Chat xmppClient.AutoRoster = True xmppClient.AutoReplyToPing = True xmppClient.AutoPresence = True Try xmppClient.Open() Catch ex As System.Net.WebException Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) End Try Console.ReadKey() xmppClient.Close() End Sub Private Sub xmppClient_OnLogin(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles xmppClient.OnLogin Console.WriteLine("xmppClient_OnLogin: " & e.State) End Sub Private Sub xmppClient_OnMessage(sender As Object, e As MessageEventArgs) Handles xmppClient.OnMessage Console.WriteLine(e.Message) If (e.Message.Body <> Nothing) Then Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", e.Message.From.User, e.Message.Body) Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green Console.Write("{0}: ", e.Message.To.User) End If End Sub Private Sub xmppClient_OnPresence(sender As Object, e As PresenceEventArgs) Handles xmppClient.OnPresence Console.WriteLine(e.Presence) End Sub Private Sub xmppClient_OnRosterItem(sender As Object, e As RosterEventArgs) Handles xmppClient.OnRosterItem Console.WriteLine(e.RosterItem.ToString & " - " & e.Version) End Sub End Module |