First, open a PDF and click the “Signature” box. Showing that your Digital ID has not been set up yet and requires that you enroll for a certificate to sign the PDF.
Run Certmgr.msc
Next… next… next…
Next… next… next…
Select “Adobe Signature”
Click “Finish”
Check your personal certificate store to verify your new certificate is in there if you like.
Now when you click on the signature in Adobe Acrobat you should now get a valid certificate to select from.
Click “Create”
Here you can either draw your Signature or scan in an image (Thenhandwrittento PDF to import). In my case, I converted to PDF and imported my handwritten signature.
Click “Save”
Select “Lock document after signing”
Click Sign, Then save to a location
A final outcome of the PDF.
Now by default Adobe has it’s own trust stores. We would like to have Adobe check the windows trust store to validate certificates against our local CA Certificate Root Server. We can do this by doing the following.
Ensure that both the boxes in Windows Integration are checked (Mine is grayed out because I previously checked them myself earlier).
Now after that if we go back to our signature we just signed and clicked it you should get this.
And your all set!