This little Batch script is one of my favorites, I work with alot of different people that are non-technical and cannot reproduce issues on demand. This nifty little VLC script captures everything in a tiny tiny file and on average records about 6 hours of screen time in only 40MB of data. Not bad eh! 🙂
First, you’ll need these two files <– FFMPEG windows files, Unzip them into your windows directory <— Install this
To start recording manually use this in command prompt: start ffmpeg -f dshow -i video=”screen-capture-recorder” -c:v libx264 -qp 0 c:\VideoFile.swf
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setlocal REM set path=%path%;%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\;%ProgramFiles(x86)%\VideoLAN\VLC\ eventcreate /ID 1 /L APPLICATION /T INFORMATION /SO PROVISION /D "Starting Provision" eventcreate /ID 1 /L APPLICATION /T INFORMATION /SO PROVISION /D "Current Directory %CD%" eventcreate /ID 1 /L APPLICATION /T INFORMATION /SO PROVISION /D %~dp0 eventcreate /ID 1 /L APPLICATION /T INFORMATION /SO PROVISION /D "%*" eventcreate /ID 1 /L APPLICATION /T INFORMATION /SO PROVISION /D ""%*"" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('wmic os get localdatetime /format:list') do set datetime=%%I echo %datetime:~0,8%-%datetime:~8,6% start /min ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-recorder" -c:v libx264 -qp 0 c:\videos\Provision_%datetime:~0,8%-%datetime:~8,6%.flv REM start vlc screen:// -I rc --one-instance --qt-start-minimized --screen-follow-mouse --screen-fps 20 :sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=1800,scale=1}:std{access=file,mux=asf,dst=c:\\videos\\Recording_%datetime:~0,8%-%datetime:~8,6%.mp4} REM vlc screen:// -I rc --screen-follow-mouse --screen-fps 3 :sout=#transcode{vcodec=WMV2,vb=1800,scale=1}:std{access=file,mux=asf,dst=c:\Videos\%datetime:~0,8%-%datetime:~8,6%.wmv} pushd "%~dp0" REM call RecordedProcess.bat %* pause popd REM vlc --one-instance vlc://stop && taskkill /f /im vlc.exe REM vlc vlc://quit taskkill /f /im ffmpeg.exe eventcreate /ID 1 /L APPLICATION /T INFORMATION /SO PROVISION /D "Ending Recording task" |
Here is another part that just uses screen-capture-recorder (can use audio if needed from MIC)
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setlocal REM List Devices to select from REM ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('wmic os get localdatetime /format:list') do set datetime=%%I echo %datetime:~0,8%-%datetime:~8,6% REM Primary Monitor start /min ffmpeg -f dshow -i audio="Microphone (3- Logitech USB Headset)" video="screen-capture-recorder" -c:v libx264 -qp 0 Z:\Memorandums\primarymonitor_%datetime:~0,8%-%datetime:~8,6%.flv REM start /min ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-recorder":audio="Microphone (3- Logitech USB Headset)" -c:v libx264 -qp 0 Z:\Memorandums\primarymonitor_%datetime:~0,8%-%datetime:~8,6%.flv REM All Monitors REM start /min ffmpeg -f gdigrab -i desktop -c:v libx264 -framerate 15 -qp 0 Z:\Memorandums\allmonitors_%datetime:~0,8%-%datetime:~8,6%.flv pause taskkill /f /im ffmpeg.exe |